The newest program at the Taubman, Happy HeARTs serves members of our community of varied abilities including but not limited to individuals and their families who identify as:
- Blind or have low vision
- Deaf or hard of hearing
- Neurodiverse (Autism Spectrum, Sensory Processing, Learning Disabilities)
- Living with varied intellectual, developmental, and emotional abilities
Participants can enjoy the galleries and take part in art-inspired activities that are accessible and sensory-friendly. Happy HeARTs offers a safe space for families with children and adults of all abilities, whether it is a quiet space to avoid or unwind from sensory overload, or a space to fully express your engagement and creativity.
Examples of groups who have participated in this program include and are not limited to: School groups, Adult Care and Skill-Building Programs, Veterans with PTSD, Grief Groups, Recovery Programs, and Community Programs.
Winter Sessions Open to the Community
We’re hosting sessions this Fall that are free and open to the community! Registration is highly recommended.
Happy HeARTs Community Session: Ages 10 and Under
Saturday, December 14, 2024
10-11:30 am
Register Here
Happy HeARTs Community Session: Ages 10 and Up
Saturday, December 28, 2024
10-11:30 am
Register Here
Schedule a Tour
Groups can schedule a visit to the Museum for 90-minute Happy HeARTs Tour that includes an exhibition tour, a related art project, and fun in Art Venture, the Museum’s family-friendly, interactive creativity gallery featuring themed stations. Contact Jane Marie Zelenik at jmzelenik@taubmanmuseum.org or (540) 204-4116 to learn more and register for this free program.
Happy HeARTs is made possible through funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.