Swoon-Inspired Print Workshop – Sold Out!
Feb 02, 2024
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Please note that this workshop is now sold out!
Please do not purchase tickets from any third parties – there are unfortunately scammers out there who may try to take your money. Registrants’ names and IDs must match online purchase records.
Join us for a two-hour print workshop featuring letterpress print shop Sourced Press!
Inspired by the current exhibition Swoon, we’ll delve into the art of letterpress and linocut printing as the Sourced Press team guides you through the creative process.
Craft a personalized postcard with a typeset message and linocut print image designed to send inspiring messages to others.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore traditional print methods! All materials provided.
Members: $25 | General Public: $30