World Art Day
Apr 15, 2023
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Join us as we celebrate World Art Day!
At 11am, the Southwest Virginia Ballet will perform a piece inspired by EV Day: Divas Ascending, with Wendy Shelor as Conceptual Artist and Pedro Szalay as Choreographer.
Enjoy the Daisy Art Parade which will start at 12pm at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Bridge and ends at the Taubman Museum of Art’s sculpture garden.
From 1-2pm, take part in a puppet show in Art Venture! With a mix of stage puppets, table-top puppetry, ventriloquism, music and songs – and with a wink and nod towards promoting literacy and theatre – the Iowa Goatsinger will offer you all up some curious images, some playful characters, and some catchy music. Meet Bam Bam and Everett, the wee goatherd, and maybe even Iggy himself.
All events are FREE and open to all to attend!