Community Conversation: Trauma, Healing, and Art – New Date – Sold Out
Feb 04, 2024
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Please note: This event was originally scheduled for Sunday, January 21. Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 4, from 2-3 pm. Registration is now closed because all seats are now claimed.
Dr. Robert Trestman, Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at the Virginia Tech/Carilion School of Medicine and Carilion Clinic Institutional Research Officer, will moderate the conversation on the new date, and Caledonia Curry/Swoon will join live by Zoom. Additional panelists from our local healthcare community will join as well.
If you registered for the original January 21 date, your registration has rolled over to the new February 4 date. No further action on your part is required.
Registration is still open to others who can now make the February 4 date.
If you are unable to attend on this new date, we will record the conversation and make it available on the Museum’s website within two weeks of the event.
Thank you for your understanding!
In Swoon, her new 20-year retrospective exhibition at the Taubman, renowned contemporary artist Caledonia Curry/Swoon explores timely and complex issues, from personal and collective trauma to the power of art to heal and unite people during turbulent times.
This theme is a powerful thread throughout much of her work, referencing her own personal experiences along with those with whom she’s worked one-on-one to help them heal from their personal traumas.
Swoon will join community experts in the field of trauma for a deep and heartfelt discussion about the power of art to heal.
This Community Conversation is free and welcoming to all, though registration is encouraged to reserve your seat.